Friday, September 9, 2011

Photoshop Tutorial

anything you print must be 300 pixels per inch

put background content to transperent

the meanu bar is at the top of the screen
the toolbar is located on the left of the screen
the palettes are located on the right of the screen
the layers pallete is on the bottom right hand side and it is the one you will use the most

the eyeball on means the layer is showing, the eyeball off means the layer is not showing
the arrow in the layers pallet will lock the position of the iteam on that layer
the brush on the layers pallet will lock the image
the checkered box will lock the transparency of the image
the lock on the layers pallet will lock all of the features listed above

LAYER BLENDING MODE - Changes the lighting and effects of how my layer is viewed.  My layer blending mode is located in the fropdown box of my layers palette.

the opacity id the see throughness of my layer

the button that looks like a stickynote on the bottom right hand corner is how I make a new layer

the trashcan deletes a layer

Thursday, September 8, 2011


I commented on Eddie Trevino's.  His nickname is SHOES

My Nickname

I was given the nickname DITF.  I was given this nickname from a trip this summer the DECA officers and I took.  It stands for "Death In The Face."  I gave many of my life threatening stories on the trip in Oregon, which is why I was given this name!